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Ramesh G
Jun 19, 20213 min read
Arduino Nano Based Weather Monitor with Bluetooth HC-05
In this tutorial shows how to connect BMP280 barometric pressure, temperature and altitude sensor interface to Arduino Nano board with...
847 views1 comment

Ramesh G
Jun 14, 20216 min read
LUX Meter Using BH1750 and OLED Display
In this project, we will make a Arduino based LUX Meter Using BH1750 and OLED Gauge Display. Sometime we need to measure the exposure of...
910 views0 comments

Ramesh G
Jun 12, 20213 min read
Radar Monitor using Ultrasonic sensor
In this tutorial we are learn to finding Object distance and angle (radar monitor) using Ultrasonic sensor and Servo Motor. Radars have...
581 views0 comments

Ramesh G
Jun 11, 20212 min read
TCRT5000 IR Reflective Line Tracking sensor Interface with Arduino
In this tutorial, you will learn how to find black and white line track color using TCRT5000 IR reflective sensor. This IR reflective...
915 views0 comments

Ramesh G
Jun 9, 20213 min read
Visitor Counter with Automatic light Control using IR sensor
In this project, we will make a Arduino based Visitor Counter with an Automatic Light Control System using Infrared sensor. The pair of...
830 views0 comments

Ramesh G
Jun 6, 20215 min read
Arduino Based Gyroscope Accelerometer Controlled Servo Motor
In this Project, we will measure an angle using MPU6050 Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensor with an Arduino and control Servo Motors. The...
1,943 views0 comments

Ramesh G
Jun 5, 20218 min read
Heart Beat Sensor Interface with Arduino and OLED display
In this tutorial, you will learn how to monitor the Heartbeat rate or Heart Beats per minute using the Pulse Sensor, Arduino and OLED...
2,662 views0 comments

Ramesh G
Jun 4, 20213 min read
Arduino Based BMP280 Pressure, Temperature and Altitude Measure
In this tutorial shows how to connect BMP280 barometric pressure ,temperature and altitude sensor interface to Arduino UNO board with 4...
1,214 views0 comments

Ramesh G
Jun 3, 20213 min read
Interfacing APDS-9930 Ambient Light Sensor(ALS) with Arduino Uno
This module consists of ambient light , IR and proximity sensors. The detection distance is up to 100 mm. The APDS-9930 sensor measures...
457 views0 comments

Ramesh G
Jun 2, 20214 min read
Temperature Controlled Fan using DS18B20 and Arduino
In this to learn step by step guide and we will show you how to make a temperature-controlled fan using Arduino, DS18B20 and interface...
2,611 views6 comments

Ramesh G
May 30, 20212 min read
Iot Based Fire Alarm Notification using Blynk
In this article we interface Flame Sensor with NodeMCU and learn all the steps to build Fire Alarm notification using Blynk IoT Platform....
732 views0 comments

Ramesh G
May 29, 20218 min read
Web Server Based Weather Monitor using DHT 11 & Rain Sensor
In this project, we’ll learn how to make a featured weather station using an ESP8266, DHT11 and Rain sensors. The rain sensor module is...
1,820 views1 comment

Ramesh G
May 27, 20215 min read
IoT Based RFID Access Control using Blynk app
Here to learn how to make an IoT based RFID smart door lock system using NodeMCU ESP8266, RFID MF-RC522 Module, servomotor, and Blynk...
2,908 views0 comments

Ramesh G
May 26, 20215 min read
NodeMCU Based Color Finder using TCS3200 Sensor
In this tutorial we will make a color Finder using a color sensor TCS3200, LCD display and NodeMCU8266 12E dev board. TCS3200 consisting...
4,341 views0 comments

Ramesh G
May 25, 20213 min read
IoT Based Temperature, Altitude and Pressure Monitor using BMP180 and Ubidots IoT Platform
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the BMP180 sensor with NodeMCU ESP8266 wifi module, 4 line LCD display with the help of this...
540 views0 comments

Ramesh G
May 24, 20215 min read
IoT Based Object Angle measure using MPU 6050 and Blynk
In this tutorial, Measuring the angle (Object Position) using MPU6050 sensor and connect with Blynk IoT cloud Platform.The MPU6050 sensor...
1,236 views0 comments

Ramesh G
May 15, 20213 min read
IoT Cloud Web server Based Garbage Monitoring System(Optional Email, Mobile notification)
Here to make the Internet of Things an IoT based garbage bin level monitoring system. In this level monitoring using myDevices Cayenne,...
1,417 views0 comments

Ramesh G
Mar 20, 20212 min read
IoT Canvas Gauge based Garbage Monitor using OLED and Ultrasonic sensor
Here to make an IoT based garbage bin level monitoring system. In this level monitoring using canvas gauge in HTML page and OLED. The...
324 views0 comments

Ramesh G
Mar 16, 20213 min read
IoT Web server Based Magic Cup Tilt Position Monitor
In this tutorial we will learn how to interface an IoT Based Tilt Position Monitoring canvas gauge using Nodemcu ESP826612E and KY-017...
103 views0 comments

Ramesh G
Mar 3, 20213 min read
IoT Web Server Based LM35 Temperature Gauge
In this tutorial we will show how to build ESP8266 and interface LM35 Precision Centigrade Temperature sensor with html canvas gauge...
634 views0 comments
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