Bluetooth Controlled Home Automation with Voice Announcement using Android App
Bluetooth Controlled RGB LED
4 channel Pulse Width Modulation with Bluetooth
Bluetooth Controlled Door Lock/Unlock with EEPROM
nRF24L01 Wireless Temperature Monitor with Bluetooth
Water Level Controller for Multiple Tanks
Water Level Controller with Real time Data Logger and Bluetooth
Real Time Temperature Data Logger with Bluetooth
Bluetooth Visitor Counter and automatic light control
Angle Measure using MPU 6050 3-Axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensor
Bluetooth Controlled Water Level Controller
Garbage Monitoring System with Bluetooth Interface
DS18B20 Digital Thermometer with Bluetooth Interface
Bluetooth Controlled Automatic Door using PIR Sensor
Arduino Nano Based Weather Monitor with Bluetooth HC-05
Water Level Depth Detection and LED control with Bluetooth HC-05
Arduino graph using android app
Bluetooth Controlled Servo
Gesture Controlled Door using servo Motor
8X8 LED Matrix Max7219 Control using Android app via Bluetooth