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Simple Kitchen timer using 7segment display & Arduino

Updated: Mar 10, 2022

In this tutorial we will see how to create a Timer start, UP/Down setting using push button and buzzer for Timer end with the Arduino board and the TM1637 display

Components required

Arduino Nano - 1 no

TM1637 module - 1 no

Push Button switch - 3 no

5V/3.3V Power module - 1 no

Buzzer - 1 no

Circuit diagram


TM1637 seven segment modules is a ready made multiplexed seven segment display with 4 digits. The driver IC is TM1637; It has 4pin control there are GND, VCC, DIO, CLK. only two signal lines can make MCU control four Digit 7-segments LED can be used to display decimal, letters and so on. The 7segment LED Display has common anode type.

TM1637 4-Digit 7-Segment Display Specifications

Operating voltage 3.3 – 5 V

Current draw-80 mA

Operating temperature-10 – 80 °C

Interfacing TM1637 with the arduino:

So the first thing you want to do is connect the clock pin to any pin on the Arduino.

  • CLK clock pin of the TM1637 with the digital pin 3 of the arduno.

  • DIO pin of the TM1637 with digital pin 2 of the arduino.

  • VCC of the TM1637 with the 3.3V of the Power module.

  • Gnd of the TM1637 with the ground of the Power module.

Installing Library

7segment: you need to Download and install the TM1637 library.

Follow the next steps to install those libraries.

In your Arduino IDE, to install the libraries go to Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP library… and select the library you’ve just downloaded.

After installing the required libraries, copy the following code to your Arduino IDE.

Refer Counter project for testing of TM1637 module.

Arduino Code

#include <TM1637Display.h>

// Define the connections pins for display

#define CLK 2

#define DIO 3

// Define other pin connections

#define UP_BUTTON 8

#define DOWN_BUTTON 9

#define START_BUTTON 4

#define BUZZER 5

int duration; // Duration in seconds

// Create display object of type TM1637Display:

TM1637Display display = TM1637Display(CLK, DIO);

// Set the individual segments for the word displays:

const uint8_t seg_end[] = {

SEG_A | SEG_D | SEG_E | SEG_F | SEG_G, // E

SEG_C | SEG_E | SEG_G, // n

SEG_B | SEG_C | SEG_D | SEG_E | SEG_G, // d

0x00 // All off


const uint8_t seg_go[] = {

SEG_A | SEG_C | SEG_D | SEG_F | SEG_G, // s

SEG_D | SEG_E | SEG_F | SEG_G, // t

0x00, // All off

0x00 // All off


void setup() {





duration = 10; // Default to 10 seconds

display.setBrightness(5); // 0 to 7 change if required



void loop() {

// Function will checks for time change buttons and only return

// when start button pressed


// Start the duration timer



void WaitForStart(){

// Check for button presses every 0.15 seconds

while (digitalRead(START_BUTTON) == HIGH){

// Check if up or down has been pressed

//if time > 60 then increment by 10 seconds

if (digitalRead(UP_BUTTON) == LOW){

if (duration < 60){




duration += 10;




if (digitalRead(DOWN_BUTTON) == LOW){

if (duration > 60){

duration -= 10;









// Start button has been pressed

tone(BUZZER, 1500, 100);




void TimeDuration(){

// While loop will continue until time up

unsigned long startTime = millis();

unsigned long timer = 1000ul * duration;

// Repeatedly check if time is up

while ((millis() - startTime) <= timer){

// Calculate time elapsed in seconds

int elapsed = int((millis() - startTime)/1000);

// Only start to display countdown after 3 seconds

if ((millis() - startTime) > 3000){

ShowTime(duration - elapsed);



// Time up

tone(BUZZER, 500, 5000);



// Wait 5 seconds and reset display


// Show duration for next player



void ShowTime(int value){

static int lastTime;

// Update the display if time has changed

if (lastTime != value) {

lastTime = value;

int iMinutes = value / 60;

int iSeconds = value - (iMinutes * 60);

// Show on 4 digit display

uint16_t number = iMinutes * 100 + iSeconds;

display.showNumberDecEx(number, 0b01000000, true, 4, 0);




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