Garbage Monitoring System with Bluetooth Interface
DS18B20 Digital Thermometer with Bluetooth Interface
Bluetooth Controlled Automatic Door using PIR Sensor
Arduino Nano Based Weather Monitor with Bluetooth HC-05
Water Level Depth Detection and LED control with Bluetooth HC-05
LUX Meter Using BH1750 and OLED Display
Radar Monitor using Ultrasonic sensor
TCRT5000 IR Reflective Line Tracking sensor Interface with Arduino
Visitor Counter with Automatic light Control using IR sensor
Arduino Based Gyroscope Accelerometer Controlled Servo Motor
Heart Beat Sensor Interface with Arduino and OLED display
Arduino Based BMP280 Pressure, Temperature and Altitude Measure
Interfacing APDS-9930 Ambient Light Sensor(ALS) with Arduino Uno
Temperature Controlled Fan using DS18B20 and Arduino
Arduino Temperature Measure using (Thermistor -NTC)
IoT Based Battery Voltage Level Monitoring using TP-4056 and Thingspeak
Iot Based Fire Alarm Notification using Blynk
IoT Based Servo Control (Pan Tilt) Using Blynk app
Web Server Based Weather Monitor using DHT 11 & Rain Sensor
IoT Based RFID Access Control using Blynk app