ESP32 Internet Weather with 3.5inch TFT Display
ESP32 DHT Weather Monitor with 3.5inch TFT touch Display
ESP8266 Web server Controlled 8x8 Dot LED Matrix and Scroll
Bluetooth Controlled Home Automation with Voice Announcement using Android App
Arduino based gesture Home Automation using APDS-9960
Node MCU based COVID-19 INDIA Live tracker
Node MCU Based Water Level Controller with EEPROM
NodeMCU Web Server Controlled Servo Motor Using Angular Slider
ESP8266 Web Server Based LM35 Temperature Data Logger
ESP8266 Webserver based Thermometer using DS18B20 and Fusion charts
ESP8266 NodeMCU ADC with Pot Interface, Fusion chart and OLED
ESP8266 DHT11 Weather Monitor with OLED and Google Gauge
Web Server Based Temperature Controller With EEPROM and Auto/Manual Mode
NodeMCU World Clock
NodeMCU Web Server Controlled Relay with OLED
Internet Weather Forecast
Internet Weather Station
RSSI Monitor with OLED and real time chart
APDS-9960 Gesture, Proximity, RGB color sensor module interface with Voice
Bluetooth Controlled RGB LED